Monday, May 17, 2010

Thursday, May 13th

I think I'm starting to wake up later every day, today I didn't wake up until the movers got here at 9:30! After I got ready I went out onto the porch and finished up all of my math tests and my last school book, that took until lunch time. The movers are really moving fast today so they are ahead of schedule, they're loading the truck already when we thought that they wouldn't load until tomorrow! They will still have to come tomorrow to finish up though. I spent most of the day studying for a test that I have to take to prove I passed 7th grade. Around lunchtime one of the movers mentioned that a lot of helicopters had been flying around overhead. Neither me or my mom had noticed, but once he pointed it out we started hearing helicopters almost constantly! I didn't see this, but my mom said there were about 8 cops with two police cars and a motorcycle on our street and 10 cops with guns drawn going down the creek! My mom went out to talk with a police officer and he told her that 4 guys had broken in to a house near our neighborhood and then run into our neighborhood when the police arrived. And people talk about Mexico being dangerous! Later we heard that they had caught them all and the police left. Then my friend Christine came over, she stayed until my mom and I had to go to a party with our old small group where I saw Kiera again. When the party was over, my mom dropped me off at Kaitlyn's house while she went to spend time with her friend Ms. Lee. Ms. Jen had to go to the airport to pick up Kaitlyn's grandma and so Kaitlyn and I baby-sat her two sisters. When Kaitlyn babysits she has to stay up until her parents get home, so she and I stayed up until 1:00 when her mom and grandma got back.


  1. wow--a crime scene! !!! ahhhhhhhhhhhh scary...

  2. lol, there were cops everywhere, it's not like we were in danger!

  3. lol I don't have to. My mom actually would like me to go to sleep. lol!

  4. Well then why do you always stay up?

