Saturday, May 22, 2010

Saturday, May 22nd

We played Catan this morning, Abby won. But my dad wasn't playing so we all at least had a fair shot at winning. I was so close! I would have won on my next turn! When we were all ready to go (which took a while), we went to Chapultepec Park. We met the Owenby's at an old playground that we had never been to before. We threw the football and frisbee around for a while and then the dads and the boys started a game of kickball, but they used a football. I didn't want to play and so I got really bored. When they finally finished we went to a fountain that we used to go to all of the time, it is really fun to climb on, but they had drained all of the water out of it :(. Then we found a playground that wasn't there last time we were here, all the kids went and played but I got bored pretty quickly, it was pretty warm outside and I was tired. When everyone was done playing we went and got two rotisserie chickens and a bunch of fresh tortillas. Then we all went back to our apartment to eat, after we finished the kids went swimming while the adults played Catan. After a while the Dunmires and Michaels came (Chloe and Noelle). Noelle's little brothers, Tomas and David, stayed at the pool while Noelle and I went with Chloe. Wyatt came too because he is friends with Chloe's older brother Connor. We went to California Pizza Kitchen for dinner and then back to Chloe's house, we all spent the night there.

