Monday, November 29, 2010
Tuesday, November 23rd
Monday, November 22nd
Sunday, November 21th
Saturday, November 20th
Friday, November 26, 2010
Friday, November 19th
Monday, November 15th
Sunday, November 14th
Saturday, November 13th

Friday, November 12th
Thursday, November 11th
Today right after I got home from school, we finished the last bit of packing and then got in the car to go to Tasco, the silver town. We arrived there in the evening, we went out for dinner, shopped in a few stores and then went to bed.
Tuesday, November 2nd
Yep, that is definatly the driest soup I have ever seen! Makes me wonder why they put it under the soup section. After dinner we wandered the streets while my parents shopped for pewter. They found most of what they were looking for and I am satisfied with what I found that was more what I am interested in. When we finished shopping we found an ice-cream store to stop at on the way back to the car. Then we drove the 3 1/2 hours home.
Monday, November 1st
1. They didn't give us plates
2. Nor did they give us utensils of any kind
3. They didn't even have tortillas to use to pull the meat off of the bones
4. There weren't any tables anywhere nearby
5. The chicken was in a plastic bag, the same for the rice
So, we were forced to give a new meaning to the phrase "street-side food" by buying AND eating the food on the side of the street. We sat on the concrete right next to the street to eat. And it gets better. We also got to burn ourselves repeatedly as we tried to eat the fresh-off-of-the-spit chicken with our fingers out of a plastic grocery bag. I can only imagine how we must have looked! Along with the chicken came two bags of rice. We ripped a hole in one of the bags and I tried to discover the best method to eat rice out of a bag. I found that the best way is to push it up to the hole and then eat it as it came out. :) Needless to say, we were pretty messy after our meal. Now for the best part: there were no bathrooms nearby. We had to make-do as well as we could with a stack of napkins. That was an interesting experience, but not one I would be very excited to repeat. After that we went to see a famous mine called Boca de la Mina that happened to be nearby. After the other caves that we've been to, this one wasn't very exciting. We wore helmets that were more annoying than helpful, walked down a bunch of stairs until we hit the end, and then walked back up the stairs. Not exactly what I'd call exhilarating.

Sunday, October 31st
How I pictured spending Halloween night:
Maybe resting in our hotel room in Guanajuato, or going out to buy some candy since we didn't bring costumes to go trick-or-treating. Maybe having a nice dinner, exploring the city, or some other activity that was at least a little entertaining.
How I most definitely did not picture spending Halloween night:
Spending a grand total of about an hour outside the house that we were supposed to be renting, with all of our luggage, waiting for the owner to come back from where ever she had gone so that we could get in. But of course, that's what happened. By the time someone finally came out of the house so that we could get in, I was so tired and cold that I didn't even mind too much that I could feel the wooden slats of the bed-frame right through the mattress. I fell straight to sleep.
Saturday, October 30th
Friday, October 29th

Monday, September 13, 2010
Saturday, September 11th
We were going with about 11 other families, most of which we didn't know. We arrived at the meeting place at about 12:00. I found Miah's mom and asked her where Miah was, she said that she had taken a walk into the forest. So I walked straight down into the forest to go look for her, I gave up that idea pretty quickly since the forest was huge. I decided to keep going anyway and explore. Ethan, Tomas and Miah's little brother Noah followed me into the woods, Ethan and Tomas didn't follow for long because they thought that they had seen a spider and went back. Noah kept going with me. We walked for a while, climbing through the underbrush and crossing back and forth across the river that we were following quite a few times. Probably about 30 minutes later we decided to head back because the parents might worry about us, we turned around and headed back the way we had come. We happened across a path and followed it for a while. Then I realized that we were on the wrong side of the river and we wouldn't know when to leave the river and go up through the woods. So we worked our way down off of the path and after a lot of hard work, we found a place where we could cross. We started heading up the hill because we had come down to find the river. We went that way for a LONG time and the brush was just getting thicker, that was when we realized that we were completely lost. We tried to keep going, I knew for a fact that we had to go up, but it never occurred to me that we might be on the wrong bank. XP As we climbed I heard Noah start to sniffle, and before long he was sobbing and panicking. That boy has a wild imagination. "What if they leave without us? What if we die of hunger? What if a bear comes and eats us?" That's all I heard between sobs as he followed me. I asked him if he really thought his parents would leave without him and then told him that it takes weeks to die of starvation and there weren't any bears in these woods. He continued panicking. At this point I started worrying too, we had been gone for a long time and I was sure that the parents had noticed by then, but it was a big forest. Then Noah started yelling for help without listening to see if they called back. He started up a stream of, "MOM! HELP ME! I'M LOST IN THE WOODS! FOLLOW THE RIVER AND THEN GO UP!" and he repeated this every few steps. I had to tell him to be quiet so that we could listen for them calling back. I was terrified and Noah's panicking wasn't helping, I also started to get very upset, but I didn't panic. After a while I heard a faint voice coming from down and to the left, aka, the opposite direction that we were going. By now, Noah didn't trust me and I had to convince him to follow me in going the opposite direction that we had been going, even though he could hear the voice too. "What if it's not them?" "Well we know that it's a person, a person will most likely have a cellphone." "Do you know how to ask that in Spanish?" "Yes." "How will they know where to find us?" This went on and on as we slowly worked our way towards the voice. When we finally got close enough to hear them clearly, I could see that it was my dad and Mr. Marcus. We made our way towards each other and then they lead us back, we meet up with Noah's dad and my mom on the way. I broke down when my dad reached us. I had been trying to hold it in, but I couldn't anymore. We had been gone for a good 2 hours if not 2 1/2. When we got back to everyone else, I washed my filthy hands and many scratches, had some water, ate a bit, and just rested for a while. While we had been in the woods, I wasn't hungry, thirsty, cold, or tired, just scared. When we got back, I suddenly realized that I was all four! I took a break for a while and calmed down while Miah told me what had been going on at her end.
When Ethan and Tomas came back without us, they had told everyone that Noah and I were waiting a little ways down the river. But when we didn't come back after a while, the kids started worrying. They all went and told the parents that they didn't know where we were and made them come down. Then the parents got worried. They split up to look in different directions, calling for us the whole time. It took them a long time to get close enough to where we could hear them! Miah said that a lot of the kids were panicking just like Noah and the adults started getting really worried before they found us. After we got back, everyone calmed down and we had lunch.
A while after, almost everyone went to tour an old monastery, I was still not feeling my best but I was better, so I went too. Miah and I had fun joking about the monastery being "fascinating" and my "excellent" sense of directions. When we finished with the monastery, Miah and I went up the street to look at some little stands that were selling hats and we each got one. My family left right afterwards and we headed home.
Monday, August 23rd
School started on August 23rd, a lot earlier than most schools in the U.S. My school is called Eton, it's pretty far away from my house and I have a long bus ride, but I get home in the afternoon at a decent hour. The school put me in 2nd grade....just kidding XD. It's called 2nd de secundaria (2nd of secondary) in Mexico the grades go 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 1, 2, etc.... So I'm really in 8th, they just call it second!
The girls in my grade are pretty easy to categorize. There's the huge group of about 20 Mexicans, the two Koreans, and me. I have become good friends with the Koreans, Jany (pronounced Hani) and Lora. They are like me, actually trying to learn in school instead of texting each other from under the desk like a lot of the popular Mexicans. Jany and Lora are Koreans by birth, but Mexicans by culture. The have both lived in Mexico for most of their lives and speak Spanish fluently.
I only have 3 English classes and there aren't any native English-speakers in my grade, so I pretty much speak Spanish all day. I'm not sure that there are any other Americans in the school. My classes in English are Social Studies, Literature, and Composition. My Spanish ones are: Math, Fisics, Civics, Spanish, History, Tutor, Computers, and PE. But not all in one day, obviously, they're spread throughout the week. Mexican middle school isn't like in the States, we only change classes twice, for English and Spanish classes. Instead of us changing classes, the teachers do!
I really like Eton and I'm glad that I chose to come here. I feel like I'm learning a ton of Spanish, but it's not really boring or hard! In other words, life is good right now! :)
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Sunday, July 25th
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Tuesday, July 18th
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Saturday, July 17th
Friday, July 16, 2010
Friday, July 16th
Last Friday I left for a Spanish camp, I stayed there until Sunday afternoon. I really liked it! I went to this same camp last time I lived here, but I didn't like it last time. While I was there it rained almost constantly the whole time, by the end I was tired of being wet! The camp was mostly a lot of phisical, outdoor games. My favorite part was a midnight walk that we took, but we weren't allowed to use flashlights! I arrived home on Sunday and went almost straight to bed.
On Tuesday Noelle came over with her family, we played Wii and then attempted to make fudge. The result looked like mud, tasted like chocolate syrup, and smelled like buttered toast! When she left I went with her to spend the night at her house, then the next day she went back with me to spend the night at my house. We made cookies, built a fort, and watched a part of Lord of the Rings. We slept in our fort that night and it was incredibly comfortable! Then yesterday Noelle's family came over again and we all took a bus to the Museum of Anthropology. The museum was pretty interesting, but we got tired quickly. When we were all ready to leave we went to a restaurant for lunch and then went to Ciudadela. I have no doubt that we would have bought a lot more than we did, but the problem was we didn't bring much money. We used most of it on bus fares, getting into the museum, and eatting, we spent almost all of the rest (which wasn't very much). When we got back to the house, Abby went with David to their house while Tomas and Noelle stayed at ours to spend the night (again!). We played Wii, made pudding, and watched Harry Potter before we went to bed. This morning they left at 11:00 to go back to their house and bring Abby back.
Earlier this afternoon a guy came to fix the Internet, finally! Then Abby started to feel bad, so far she's watched The Garfield Movie and two of the Harry Potter movies.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Tuesday, July 6th
Monday, July 5th
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Thursday, July 1st
Wednesday, June 30th
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Sunday, June 27th
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Tuesday, June 22nd
Monday, June 21, 2010
Sunday, June 20th
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Wednesday, June 16th

Monday, June 14, 2010
Sunday, June 13th
Saturday, June 12th
Friday, June 11th
Thursday, June 10th
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Tuesday, June 8th
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Sunday, June 6th
Saturday, June 5th
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Friday, June 4th
The rest are on Picasa! Then we made a couple of duct tape bracelets, we went through quite a few to get the size right! When my mom got back she picked us up and took us to the party. Chloe and I played catch, had a couple of wars with the little kids (there were a lot of them), had dinner, and played the doughnut game. For those of you who have never played, this is how it is usually played. You tie a string to two things so that it hangs horizontally, then you get smaller strings and tie then to the first string and tie a doughnut on the other end. Then everyone takes turns trying to eat a doughnut ONLY using your mouth! It is really funny to watch! The problem was, Chloe and I didn't have a place to tie the first string, didn't have little strings, and didn't have time because the little kids were all yelling 'DOUGHNUT TIME! DOUGHNUT TIME!' and they didn't want to wait! What we ended up doing was we got the long string, put a doughnut on it, Chloe and I held it between us, and the kids took turns. And obviously we put a new doughnut on every time. By the end there were a lot of crumbs and pieces of doughtnut on the ground! We left at about midnight.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Wednesday, June 2nd
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Tuesday, June 1st
Monday, May 31st
Sunday, May 30th
Saturday, May 29th
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Friday, May 28th
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Tuesday, May 25th
Monday, May 24, 2010
Monday, May 24th
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Sunday, May 23rd
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Saturday, May 22nd
Friday, May 21st
Thursday, May 20th
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Wednesday, May 19th
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Tuesday, May 18th
Monday, May 17th
Monday, May 17, 2010
Saturday, May 15th
Friday, May 14th
Thursday, May 13th
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Wednesday, May 12th
Tuesday, May 11th
Monday, May 10th
Sunday, May 9th
Friday, May 7, 2010
Friday, May 7th
Thursday, May 6th
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Wednesday, May 5th
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Tuesday, May 4th
Monday, May 3, 2010
Monday, May 3rd
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Sunday, May 2nd
Saturday, May 1st
Friday, April 30th
Thursday, April 29
Wednesday, April 28th
Tuesday, April 27th
We went to Colombia first. I got to see my friend Paulina there, she has a twin sister Marianna but we couldn't find her, and I also saw their friend Lessie. Those three use to go to my old school, Westhill, but they switched to Colombia. Westhill is the school Nate and Abby are probably going to go to. I liked Colombia, the classes ended at 2:00 but there were after-school activities that ended at 3:00. So if i did an after-school class (I would probably do choir) I could still get home at a decent hour. Also they only have English 7 hours a week so I would learn Spanish so much faster! The only problem is before I enroll we need to show them proof that I passed 5th, 6th, and 7th grade. So my mom will have to get papers from Westhill and River Trails, and since I was homeschooled for 7th I will have to take an exam to prove I know enough to pass to 8th grade.
Afterward we went to Greengates, it took a long time to get there because it is pretty far away. First we got a tour of the grounds, it is very big and a nice campus, then we went to see the principle. When we asked about SEP, the Spanish program, she said that it was full! So the only option is the English program, but I know I won't learn Spanish very fast in that, so were thinking probably not Greengates.
Monday, April 26th
Sunday, April 25th
Saturday, April 24th
Friday, April 23rd
Thursday, April 22nd
Wednesday, April 21st
Tuesday, April 20th
I'm starting to get concerned for the guinea pigs, the people at the airport are demanding a ton of money so that they can bring a vet to inspect them. For being little rodents they are causing a lot of trouble!
Monday, April 19th
Sunday, April 18th
We still haven't heard anything about the guinea pigs, we're hoping for news soon!
Saturday, April 17th
When we got home my mom sent Nate out with Toffee, when they didn't come back after about twenty minutes my mom and I went looking for him while my dad stayed in the apartment in case he came back. My dad called the security and they started looking for him too. After about an hour, maybe more, someone found him. The place that we're staying has three towers, we live in tower 1. Apparently Nate went up the wrong elevator and ended up in tower 2. He found our room number and started knocking and knocking until someone came out of the apartment across from the one Nate was at and asked him what he was doing. Nate accedently said "You don't speak Spanish" but the nice man understood what he was trying to say. He took Nate to the front desk and they brought him back to our apartment. After everyone calmed down my parents took me to Chloe's house for a sleepover. The funny thing is Chloe lives in the same house that I lived in last time I was in Mexico. It was so WEIRD to see our house with their stuff in it! Another girl named Noelle spent the night too, she goes to Greengates, the same school as Chloe. They really want me to go to that school with them, I want to go to it too!
Friday, April 16th
Thursday, April 15th
Blog Archive
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