Monday, June 21, 2010

Sunday, June 20th

Today we went to the Spanish church again, but this time Nate, Abby and I went into the kids program instead of the service. I liked it a LOT better! It was still really long, but I understood a lot more. I met three girls, Maria Fernanda (Marifer), Gabriela (Gaby) and another girl that I couldn't catch her name. After church they asked me to say something in English, I did, and they said That sounds so cool!. They can't speak English very well, actually, I can speak Spanish better then they can English, but they love the sound of it! After church we went to Costco for a HUGE shopping trip (two full carts!) then we went to our new house to drop some things off that we won't need until we move in. At Costco we had bought Toffee a cute new bed that looks like a mini sofa, and four squeaky stuffed animals, we left the bed and one of the toys at the house. When we got back I got Chloe out and played with her for quite a while! We're trying to get Toffee used to the guinea pigs, because apparently it can be done. But she seems jealous of the time we spend with them, and a little wary of them too! Then I started to teach Toffee to 'take a bow' and she's starting to get the hang of it! It's really cute!


  1. I love costco! they have that in mexico??? Toffee has his own couch and i dont :( haha

  2. Yup, they have most US stores in Mexico. They don't have Chick-fil-a though.... :( lol

  3. o thats good i didnt know that. they dont even have chick-fil-a in nothern states in the us!!! its aweful!!

