Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Monday, May 17th

I took a test today to prove to Columbia that I passed 7th grade, it was REALLY long! I did the test almost all morning with small breaks in between. Later my mom let me go downstairs and use the Wi-fi, and apparently while I was gone someone from Telmex came and installed Internet! I stayed down there for a while so eventually my mom sent Victor down to get me. When I got back, she was in a huge rush because we had to get to Ms. Suzanne's house to print something before we had to go pick up Nate and Abby from school. When we got to Ms. Suzanne's house there was a big pile of books next to the door, when my mom asked, Ms. Suzanne said they were giving them away and I could take as many as I wanted. So I rummaged through the pile of books while my mom used the printer. I ended up with Redwall, Artemis Fowl: The Opal Deception, and all of the Percy Jackson series except for the first one (which I already have) for free! Score! Then we went to pick up Nate and Abby before heading home to try out our new Internet. It works this time, thank goodness! After trying out the Internet I read Artemis Fowl until I finished it at about 8:30, then I went to bed.


  1. SCORE my brother will be so mad when he here's this he had to buy all of the P.Jackson books!!!

  2. :) still the same gwen finished a book in a few hours

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. awwwwwwww lucky!!!!!! (i've been wanting 2 read artemis fowl and redwall, and the PJ series??? AWESOME!!!!!!)

