Monday, November 29, 2010

Sunday, November 21th

Today we went to la Marquesa, a large area filled with zip-lines, four-wheelers, and all sort of cool stuff. The first area we went to had these large, blow-up, plastic balls (think hamster balls for humans) that float on the water. You're supposed to run like a hamster, but it's a lot harder than it looks on water. You spend a lot more time falling than running! The next place had padded, plastic, blow-up balls that went down a hill instead of on water. These were a ton of fun! You climb in, roll it up the hill (someone is always there to help you), then take turns rolling down. You start by running, but after a while it starts going so fast that it's hard to keep your feet. Anyone that falls rolls around in the ball until the bottom of the hill. It was SO much fun!
After that there was a huge zip-line that went across a valley, I was the only one that didn't go. And finally we went to a go-cart track and did that for an hour. I don't like driving go-carts so I just rode with my dad, I was literally hanging on for dear life at every turn!


  1. the more i read about all the fun things u do the more i love mexico!! sounds like so much fun, u should have dont the zip line!!!

  2. waaaaaaaaaahhhhh i wanna go there!!!! lol :-)

