We slept in a bit before beginning the process of getting ready to go to the beach (which takes a long time!). When we finally got there it was about 10:00, we bogey-boarded, played in the sand, jumped the waves, or whatever else we were doing, until about 1:00 when we all got hungry. We snacked in our rooms and then everyone else went to a saltwater pool at the Princess, a nearby hotel that's owned by the same company. I stayed by myself at our hotel and went down to the park that's right outside our building. It has the awesome bird swings that Chloe, Noelle and I rode last time we went. I spent most of the afternoon on those and had a great time! When everyone else got back we went into the actual city of Acapulco and ate at a nice restaurant before going to see the cliff divers.They are really amazing to see. They climb down the cliff that the crowd is watching from, swim across a small channel of water, then take turns climbing up the other side (which is probably about 100 feet tall). Then they dive off from different heights, steadily getting higher up, until one guy jumps off from the very top.

After the show we went back to the hotel.
really cool!!!