Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Monday, July 5th

I've got my first "only in Mexico" story! Yesterday my mom and I were at Superama, the Mexican grocery store. We were at the checkout line when my mom realized that she forgot to get something that she needed. She told me to wait with the cart while she went to get it. While I was waiting there a lady with her cart came to get in our line, but instead of waiting behind me she pushed her cart up right next to me, trying to get in front of me. Here is proof that I'm already used to being a Mexican again. Instead of letting her get in front and then being upset that she cut, (like I think a lot of Americans would do) I pushed my cart up until it was about an inch away from the next cart and kept it that close until she gave up a few minutes later and went to a different line! When I told my mom happened she thought it was a great Mexico story and told me I should blog about it. You don't see people in the U.S. grocery stores trying to maneuver their carts to get in front of people!


  1. haha wow gwen... i didnt think u would b the type to that. very mexican!!! lol

  2. lol, yeah I'm Mexican again!

  3. ya! or aww... im not sure what one

