Friday, November 26, 2010

Tuesday, November 2nd

After breakfast today we went to a Bicentennial Exposition. We didnt do any of the educational stuff, just the activities for kids! (Unfortunately it was mostly for kids Nate and Abby's age) First we went to a sky-walk type thing with a zip line. I only did it once, it was okay, but not worth doing again. Nate and Abby loved it along with a climbing tower that was nearby. Then we went to a go-cart type track, but there weren't any go-carts. Instead there were a bunch of the kind of electric scooter/carts that old people ride around in.
The track was complete with street signs, stoplights and arrows. The funny part was that they weren't there mostly for decoration like on the real streets of Mexico, we actually
had to follow the driving laws! *gasp* And there was a "police car" (scooter) that could pull us over if we didn't obey the rules and he actually did his job (unlike most real Mexican policemen)!
Here he is pulling over someone who ran a red light! XD
We had a good laugh about that! After that we went to a maze made out of bushes, it was actually pretty hard to find the way out. And at the end they gave each of us a cheap little diploma for completing it, I threw mine away at the closest trashcan. Abby saw me throwing it away and asked me why I trashed it. A few seconds later she gave hers to my mom to hold on to, my mom tossed Abby's too. At that point we were about done because the sun was pretty hot, so we got some food, took a few last pictures and then headed out. Those pictures were a few minutes of torture. I have an eye infection, so a second of looking towards a bright light is extremely painful and makes my eye water like crazy. Almost all of the pictures were taken with me looking into the sun. Then we spent a while in the car driving to Dolores Hidalgo where my parents shopped for Talavera (not very interesting for the rest of us) and then drove to San Miguel de Allende to shop for pewter. This stop was more interesting. First we had late lunch/early dinner, I ordered sopa de fideos seco, which is literally dry noodle soup. I of course forgot about the "dry" part of the dish when I ordered it so I was a bit surprised when it arrived.

Yep, that is definatly the driest soup I have ever seen! Makes me wonder why they put it under the soup section. After dinner we wandered the streets while my parents shopped for pewter. They found most of what they were looking for and I am satisfied with what I found that was more what I am interested in. When we finished shopping we found an ice-cream store to stop at on the way back to the car. Then we drove the 3 1/2 hours home.

1 comment:

  1. the place with the scooters sounds stupid. sorry about your eye! and haha great soup! lol

