Monday, February 14, 2011

Sunday, February 6th

We got up at 8:00 again this morning, and had breakfast the same as yesterday. Then we drove to Monte Alban, an archeological site with a lot of pyramids. We were allowed to climbmost of them, and it was pretty fun, but started getting pretty hot near the end.
After that the parents went black pottery shopping, which wasn't quite so much fun. We went to the Oaxaca Zocalo for lunch, then bought a launching balloon and played with that for a while before going back to the hotel. We kids stayed there for the rest of the day while the parents went out again.


  1. cool we learned about the black pottery stuff from there in spanish

  2. Cool! I didn't know anything about it until we went

  3. mexico is cool! i want to go! lol

